South Puget Sound Salmon Enhancement Group

A nonprofit organization

$5,437 raised by 23 donors

100% complete

$5,250 Goal

Help us restore salmon habitat and provide education for the next generation of salmon stewards!

Over the past 34 years, South Puget Sound Salmon Enhancement Group (SPSSEG) donors, volunteers, partners, and staff have worked tirelessly in service of the fish and people of Washington: 

  • Completed over 200 critical salmon habitat restoration and ecosystem function projects
  • Reached over 60,000 students through tours at Kennedy Creek Salmon Trail (KCST), Salmon in the Schools, classroom presentations, and community events
  • Connected with an additional 50,000+ community members at KCST to view the annual chum salmon spawning
  • Generously given over 10,000 volunteer hours (thank you KCST volunteers!)

How Can You Help Today?

Your Donations Directly Support Local Salmon Recovery

Your support is greatly appreciated! For every dollar in unrestricted funds that we receive from community donations, we are able to leverage hundreds of dollars of grant funding that directly fund habitat restoration projects and environmental education for the next generation of salmon stewards. Now that’s a sound investment!

Salmon Habitat Restoration

Our staff and volunteers have made a huge difference in local watersheds over the past 30+ years, but there is still much to be done. Many of our local salmon populations are in immediate jeopardy. Every year, SPSSEG works to restore estuary habitat, plant native trees and shrubs, restore stream access for salmon, and improve stream habitat for fish and people. 

Many of the grants that primarily fund these large-scale projects require a percentage match in funding from SPSSEG. Donations from the community help us bridge this gap to leverage thousands of dollars to restore salmon habitat. Together, we can increase salmon numbers in our rivers and streams and find win-win solutions for people and salmon.

Engineered log jamsFloodplain reconnectionFish passage barrier removalCulvert replacement

Salmon in the Schools

Salmon in the Schools (aka Salmon in the Classroom) brings rearing tanks with salmon eggs into school classrooms to provide a hands-on opportunity for kids to watch the salmon life cycle unfold while focusing on STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math) curriculum and exploring the interconnectedness of humans and nature. 

Since 2021, we have served 2,196 (not counting the 2024-2025 school year students participating in the program) students from high-poverty elementary schools in Thurston and Mason Counties. All of the schools we currently support are Title 1 eligible and historically underserved in science and outdoor education: 

  • 63% of students are low-income
  • 52% are students of color
  • 9% are English language learners
  • 61% do NOT meet ELA standards
  • 68% do NOT meet Math standards
  • 59% do NOT meet Science standards

This program is often the highlight of the year for many students, engaging those who don’t typically engage. In one of the in-class lessons we delivered, a teacher excitedly took photos of one student’s (excellent) work on illustrating, naming, and writing facts about the species of salmon in Washington. The teacher noted that they needed to send this to the student’s parent right now because often this student did not participate in lessons or demonstrate understanding of broader learning connections…so this was a BIG deal. That’s what this program is about. Salmon are an amazing lens to help students build connections and confidence. 

Salmon egg, alevin, fryLife cycle braceletsRelease the salmon!Classroom lesson

Kennedy Creek Salmon Trail

The Kennedy Creek Salmon Trail (KCST) has been the premiere chum salmon spawning viewing opportunity in South Puget Sound for over 20 years. There have been 93,584 visitors since KCST opened in 2000. In 2024, we are unveiling new interpretive signs at the Trail created in collaboration with the Squaxin Island Tribe and a core committee of community members. 

Every November, we host an average of 2,200 weekend community visitors and 2,800 weekday student visitors. Our dedicated team of volunteer docents are the heart of KCST, providing engaging tours, answering questions, and helping share in the excitement of witnessing the salmon life cycle. 

One of the greatest hurdles to schools in offering field trips to KCST is the financial burden of transportation to the site. In 2024, we need $5,250 for buses for high-poverty schools.

Spawning viewingSalmon dissectionField tripsKCST chum salmon

About Us

Our Mission: “Protect and restore salmon populations and aquatic habitat with an emphasis on ecosystem function through scientifically informed projects, community education, and volunteer involvement."

SPSSEG is one of 14 regional fisheries enhancement groups formed by the Washington State legislature in 1990 as a non-profit, non-governmental, non-political, non-regulatory organization with the mission of directly involving communities, volunteers, and private landowners in salmon recovery efforts.

We serve Thurston, Mason, and Pierce Counties.

Thank you!


Organization Data


Organization name

South Puget Sound Salmon Enhancement Group

Tax id (EIN)





(360) 412-0808

Social Media