Organization name
Oly Camp Kitties
Tax id (EIN)
1910 4TH AVE E PMB 90OLYMPIA, WA 98506
Oly Camp Kitties was started after observing that people experiencing homelessness often struggle to access existing spay and neuter resources for their cats. This can be due to lack of transportation, funds, or struggles with tasks such as keeping appointments. OCK acts as a "cat concierge," transporting kitties to and from spay and neuter clinics, and covering 100% of the cost of services.
Kitties are picked up the afternoon before their appointment date. They receive their own kennel, cozy towels to cuddle up in, delicious snacks until 10 pm, and tender loving care at the OCK headquarters. After a restful night's sleep, they are transported to the clinic in the morning for a vet check, surgery, and vaccinations. They are then returned to their owners, with the encouragement to follow up with OCK in three weeks for a booster shot to complete the series started at the clinic.
Organization name
Oly Camp Kitties
Tax id (EIN)
1910 4TH AVE E PMB 90