Capitol Little League Association

A nonprofit organization

$1,575 raised by 18 donors

20% complete

$8,000 Goal

Help Capitol Little League reach our 2025 Goal for fundraising for NEW fields!!

While our lease with the Port of Olympia is for $10,000 each year; our lease agreement requires us to raise and set aside $80,000 in FY 2025 for relocation and new fields by beginning of 2028.  Donation here will go directly to the new fields fund. 

We need some community support to achieve this goal.  

Our players and parents are helping with a $10 per player added fee.

Businesses can sponsor teams or the league in exchange for banners and website links to our webpage  with $100 of the sponsor fee going to new fund new fields. 

Capitol Little League has been providing organized baseball opportunities in our community since the mid 1990's--many of our present coaches played baseball as children on our fields and have returned to coach their children here!

Capitol Little League Association is a registered non-profit chartered by Little League International.   

We are an all volunteer program--board officers, coaches and umpires are all unpaid. 

We provide Coed Baseball and Girls Softball for boys and girls 4 to 16.  We also provide Challenger (special needs) for players 5 and above. 

Our Spring and Fall programs serve about 900 players in Spring and 700 in Fall in the Greater Thurston County area.  

We provide scholarships and links to grants from T-Mobile and Dick's Sporting Goods so that every player who wants to play can participate.  We charge no fee for our Challenger division players. We turn no player away due to finances.  

Our eight field complex is located at 7700 New Market SW Tumwater. The 10 acre property has been leased from the Port of Olympia since 1999. Everything on the complex has been built or added by volunteers and/or donated labor or materials.  The league is responsible for all maintenance and improvements for the complex. 

In 2023, the Port of Olympia advised us they would be needing the 10 acres for aeronautical purposes in the near future; therefore our lease would terminate at the end of the 2027 playing year (October).  As part of the lease agreement, the Capitol Little League board agreed to raise funds dedicated to acquiring/building new fields.   We opened a separate bank account for this purpose. 

We have been negotiating with two separate entities for long term leases on two separate locations which could EACH feasibly contain 4 playing fields, onsite parking, concessions, bathrooms and equipment storage.  We are hopeful at least ONE of these locations will be ready by Spring 2028.

We continue to look for a larger parcel (20 to 30 acres--long term lease, purchase or gifted) which could contain 8 to 10 playing fields, onsite parking, concessions, bathrooms and equipment storage.  

While it would appear that Thurston County with the RAC, LBA, Yauger Park, Stevens field, Rainer Vista, Pioneer Park and Tumwater Hill Park would have adequate playing fields.  In fact, those fields are already in heavy use by other baseball and softball organizations.   There is NO room for the over 500 games in Spring and 300 games in Fall that are currently played at the Capitol Little League Complex to be accommodated on the other fields  in Greater Thurston County.

Our league will not have enough space for all the games we would need to schedule for our Baseball, Softball and Challenger teams IF we can't build new fields to replace our current complex.   

Giving Activity

Organization Data


Organization name

Capitol Little League Association

Tax id (EIN)



PO BOX 1985



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